Moore’s Law is far from dead. When Gordon E. Moore predicted in 1965 that our computer processing capacity would double every two years, he probably wasn’t thinking about cell phones and smart cars.
And he certainly wasn’t thinking about Big Data for traffic management. But today’s traffic managers are surrounded by a wealth of data, and the volume of that data continues to grow exponentially. Jumping into the deep end of this massive data pool can be intimidating, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. Big Data has multiple innovative applications in traffic control and management.
Congestion has long been a fundamental challenge in traffic management, and the rapid growth of urban centers has only made it a more pernicious problem. Limited parking in city centers often exacerbates congestion, as cars circling to find parking spots clog up roads.
Conventional efforts to alleviate congestion might involve road tubes or manual counting, but these methods are extremely limited–they provide no data on vehicle classification, speed, direction or timing. Moreover, they tend to focus on the most heavily traveled roads, so less traveled thoroughfares get ignored.
Instead, traffic managers are increasingly turning to a host of other data sources, most notably live traffic video and other real-time monitoring devices. These devices can generate a wealth of data in very little time. Of course, this data can be used to make immediate traffic control decisions, but it can also be archived and aggregated into a true Big Data source.
By strategically using Big Data, traffic managers can reap benefits immediately and over time.
High-quality data is absolutely essential for transport planning. Yet traffic modellers have traditionally used analog sources like the Household Transport Surveys (HTS), which is both expensive and difficult to administer. Although the HTS offers a strong link between traffic models and reality, it also provides a relatively limited picture of transportation; sample sizes are often quite small (less than 2% of the target population), which isn’t enough to illustrate transport trends.
To complement this information, traffic managers can now glean Big Data from a variety of relatively new sources, which include the following:
Transport planners can pair this information with data generated from traffic cameras and sensors. For example, traffic video analytics might include data regarding vehicle counting and classification; speed, direction and timing. Nowadays, you can also get “origin-destination” traffic data from cameras and video analytics systems, e.g., using license plate recognition to reidentify vehicles using footage from different cameras.
By bringing together Big Data from such a wide range of sources, traffic modelers can make much more accurate, comprehensive predictions and forecasts. Moreover, the cost of conducting surveys and other data collection can be significantly reduced.
That same cell phone data can also help traffic managers ensure that transportation access is equitable and truly serves each neighborhood’s unique population. Ensuring equity in transportation can be quite a difficult task, so many traffic managers are enthusiastic about using Big Data to address this challenge.
We mentioned that HTS surveys are expensive and time consuming. They also often yield biased results, reflecting only the habits, needs, and preferences of the most vocal communities–or at least the self-selecting group that has the time and desire to complete a long survey. On the contrary, the number of operating mobile phones reached almost 15 billion worldwide in 2021, and studies show that the demographics of mobile-phone owners are usually quite close to those of the general population in terms of age, race, education, and other factors.
The impact of Big Data gleaned from mobile phone users can support transportation equity in multiple ways:
One excellent outcome of achieving better transportation equity is that resources tend to be allocated more efficiently across the transit system: resources essentially get “right-sized” for each community’s actual transportation needs.
The key to harnessing Big Data is to start with the right analytics tools. GoodVision provides a suite of video analytics software that works with your existing cameras to deliver real-time data on a host of critical metrics.
Watch our webinar below to find out more on how GoodVision can help Traffic Management. You will learn how to use digitally collected traffic data for various traffic behaviour analyses you need for traffic modelling, such as Vehicle speed, Gap-acceptance, Saturation flows, Occupancy and dwell time analysis.